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Jan 30, 2014

Employers must help advance the K-12 process

Why Employers Should Support Advancements in K-12 Education

The future of our workforce depends on a strong, well-rounded K-12 education system, and recent discussions around Common Core standards and teacher evaluation programs have highlighted the need for improvements in education. Regents Wade Norwood and Andrew Brown are taking steps to inform the public about why these advancements are essential, and how employers can play an important role in supporting and shaping this process.

In today’s complex job market, students need more than basic academic knowledge—they need skills that prepare them for technical careers, problem-solving, and lifelong learning. At Optimax Systems, Inc., we understand the importance of investing in education and recognize that we, as employers, can help bridge the gap between the classroom and the workplace. By partnering with schools, we can share insights into the skills and knowledge required in industries like advanced manufacturing and optics. This involvement can help shape a curriculum that prepares students for real-world challenges and career opportunities.

Norwood and Brown emphasize that advancing K-12 education isn’t solely the responsibility of educators; employers and community members can offer valuable support and resources. At Optimax, we’ve seen firsthand the impact that employer engagement can have. By participating in education initiatives, contributing to curriculum development, and offering hands-on training opportunities, companies like ours help ensure that students graduate ready to contribute to innovative industries.

For more on how employers can support and advance K-12 education, read the full article in the Rochester Business Journal here.


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