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Optimax Facility Expansion
Aug 7, 2018

Optimax Facility Expansion

Optimax Facility Expansion

Optimax, a leader in the optics manufacturing industry, is set to embark on an ambitious project to expand its operations. The company will invest a substantial $21.7 million to construct a state-of-the-art, 60,000 square-foot addition to its existing facility located on Dean Parkway. This expansion is a testament to Optimax's commitment to innovation and growth, driven by increasing demand for its high-quality optical components. The new facility will not only enhance production capabilities but also incorporate advanced technologies to improve efficiency and sustainability. As a result of its continued growth and dedication to excellence, Optimax plans to create up to 60 new jobs over the next five years, providing valuable opportunities for skilled professionals in the region. This expansion is expected to bolster the local economy and reinforce Optimax's position as a key player in the optics industry. Learn more About Optimax here.

Read about the expansion below: 



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