
Optimax featured in launch of White House Administration Job Quality Toolkit - Optimax Systems, Inc

Written by carriefalzone | Aug 22, 2022
Optimax CEO Rick Plympton joined the United States Departments of Commerce and Labor and other supporting organizations yesterday for the White House administration's launch of the Job Quality Toolkit. This initiative will be beneficial for companies and organizations that are seeking to recruit and retain high-performing workers.


“I really hope that by sharing our journey, we will create awareness and inspire others to treat their employees better,” said Plympton.

Both NSC and Business Leaders United partners provided valuable input to the Administration in helping to identify the drivers of job quality. The drivers identified through those efforts include Recruitment and Hiring; Benefits; Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA); Empowerment and Representation; Job Security and Working Conditions; Organizational Culture; Pay; and Skills and Career Advancement.

Everyone is encouraged to download and learn about the ongoing policy measures that continue to positively effect our industry. Learn More