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Optimax President Headed to White House
Apr 23, 20151 min read

Optimax President Headed to White House

News: Optimax President Headed to White House - Optimax Systems, Inc

Optimax President Mike Mandina Attends White House Summit on Upskilling America’s Workforce

Optimax Systems is proud to announce that President Mike Mandina joined top business leaders and labor officials at the White House Summit on Upskilling America’s Workforce. Hosted by Vice President Joe Biden, this summit brought together executives from around the country to address one of today’s most pressing workforce challenges: closing the skills gap through job training and workforce development initiatives.

For years, Optimax has been a strong advocate of continuous learning and skill-building, recognizing that a skilled workforce is essential for both business growth and individual career advancement. This commitment has led us to launch a new apprenticeship program, providing hands-on training for emerging talent in optics manufacturing. Paired with our community college tuition reimbursement benefit, this program allows employees to “earn while they learn,” gaining valuable skills without incurring student debt.

This commitment to “upskill” reflects the Obama administration’s goal of providing more training opportunities to fill critical job vacancies. At the summit, leaders discussed strategies to encourage similar training initiatives across the country, emphasizing how upskilling programs can strengthen the economy, support local communities, and ensure businesses have the skilled talent they need to thrive.

For Optimax, upskilling isn’t just a message—it’s a mission. By investing in our workforce, we’re empowering our team members to succeed and helping shape a brighter future for American manufacturing.

Read more about Mike Mandina’s trip to the White House and Optimax’s commitment to upskilling in the Democrat and Chronicle article here.

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