Mike Mandina, Optimax President, set out to develop a new process for rapid polishing of surfaces that had to be adaptable to uniformly sloped surfaces and those with non-uniform slopes, such as aspheric surfaces. In 2006, the process known as VIBE was conceived, tried, refined, and put into limited production and was awarded a United States Patent.

Jan 1, 2006
VIBE Patent Award
Oct 1, 2011
VIBE™ Rapid Polishing Process to Smooth Optical Surfaces
In the optics manufacturing world, the industry mantra has long been BETTER, FASTER, CHEAPER. For two decades, advancements ...
Start Reading Oct 10, 2013
Innovation: Optimax Sponsors Slope Tolerance Webinar
Start ReadingJun 4, 2015
Freedom of Freeforms
Customers trust Optimax to create high-quality optics and deliver them fast, and our freeforms are no exception.
Start Reading