The Estimator is a unique tool designed to allow an optical designer to input parameters and adjust tolerances to get an estimated cost of prototype optics. This empowers the designer to find the best balance of performance versus cost.

Apr 10, 2014
The Estimator: Estimate the Cost of Your Prototype Optics
May 7, 2010
Useful Estimations and Rules of Thumb for Optomechanics
Estimations for optical components are based on a set of reasonable assumptions. They are not meant to replace a complete ...
Start Reading Apr 16, 2015
Infrared Optical Materials, Fabrication and Testing for the Optical Engineer
Short Course: Infrared Optical Materials, Fabrication and Testing for the Optical Engineer (SC1136)Instructor: Jessica ...
Start Reading Aug 27, 2014
Website: Optimax in Space
New interactive features describing Optimax lenses on-board NASA missions.
Start Reading